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Beavers are amazing

Beavers and other aquatic animals are important for the environment, increasing biodiversity. Every animal has a part to play in the natural world. Help protect animals by conserving the woods and rivers where they live.

Interesting beaver facts:
  1. Beaver’s don’t hibernate.
    They don’t have the physiological ability to go dormant for months. If a beaver’s habitat freezes completely over, we may not see them for months, but they are awake every day. But If a beaver has open water in the winter, they will keep coming out.

  2. They can stay for a long time underwater.
    Beavers can hold their breath for about 15 minutes underwater. They also have transparent eyelids that serve as their goggles, helping them navigate the water effortlessly. Beavers have eyes and nose valves that shut to keep water out when they swim.​

  3. ​Its tail has a lot of purposes.
    The beaver’s most notable feature is its large flat tail. Its tail can serve as a rudder when swimming and it also assists them when sitting or standing upright. Moreover, beavers may strike their tail on the surface of the water if it senses danger which can also serve as a warning to their fellow animals, or sometimes just for fun.

  4. Beavers are hardcore chewers.
    They do have a peculiar set of teeth. Their frontal teeth stick out of their lips which looks goofy. But don’t let that fool you because a beaver’s teeth can chew up an eight-foot tree within five minutes. 

  5. ​Beavers and the environment.
    Beavers are well known for their ability to build dams. They are one of the few animals that can actively change an ecosystem by blocking rivers and streams with trees and mud, creating new lakes, ponds, and floodplains.

    Beavers are known as ecosystem engineers because they create, significantly modify, and maintain habitat and ecosystems, and they consequently have a large impact on the biodiversity of an area.

    Beavers play an important role in complex wetland ecosystems, creating habitats for many other plant, insect and mammal species. Few other animals have the ability to modify and shape their surrounding environment like the beaver does.


  6. What is animal Conservation?
    Animal conservation is the act of protecting environments to protect the animals that live there. The importance of animal conservation is immeasurable, at a time where our planet is currently experiencing the sixth major extinction event in the 3.6 billion years that life has been on it.

What you can do to help beavers and other animals

Helpful resources and organizations:
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